The myth of darkness has finally left us and it’s time to turn a new leaf in our lives. Marijuana is now the new leaf of life! Countless stories of diverse people – mothers, children, ordinary men and women – are now being heard. Medical marijuana is the miracle herb which changed and eventually rescued from the depths of disease and despair.
Picture this: an old woman in her retirement age is suffering from multiple sclerosis, an unbearably painful sickness. Medical marijuana is offered as a pain reliever and after a few days of cannabis therapy, the retiree has taken her first full 8 hours of sleep. Another story is that of a cancer patient undergoing one of her chemotherapeutic sessions. After the treatment, she has trouble with both the pain and the nausea which comes with the treatment. Upon recommendation, the medical staff started giving her a dose of cannabis after every chemotherapy. Today, the patient can smile with relief because most of her nauseating pain associated with her cancer treatment has been greatly lessened.
This pair of stories – and more – is what medical marijuana is really all about. For thousands of years, the Chinese have already discovered the miracle effects of marijuana. But it will take only the latter half of the preceding century before the world has finally come to terms with the cannabis as a cure.

Marijuana is the leaf of life. And it is not only a treatment for extreme-case patients. Scientists have time and again revealed that marijuana has far more positive medical value to common ailments such as insomnia or lack of appetite. Studies also show that compared side by side with the more popular cigarette or cigar, the nicotine-based joints stand no match against the medical marijuana.
Even today, doctors still marvel at some of the newly reported medical benefits of the cannabis. For example, more and more women are discovering the joys of inhaling medical marijuana to lose weight and stay in shape. Cannabis as a cure has also crossed over for use in treating children with diseases which need a pain reliever with less unwanted side effects.
Why the marijuana myth in the first place? Let us just say that for the longest time man has been entrapped by a cover of darkness. That darkness is called ignorance about the medical benefits of marijuana. Along with the cultural narrow-minded of some countries which stop them from embracing the leaf of life, marijuana has also been erroneously associated with violence and crimes. In truth, the drug-related violence and crimes are only the result of the unjust regulations over the marijuana plant.
Harvesting Medical Marijuana’s Benefits
It’s time to spread the good news about marijuana plant as being the leaf of life. People who are still full of questions and doubts are slowly but surely realizing that the tide has turned. Medical marijuana is here to stay. Cannabis as a cure has already proven itself with great consistency. More and more stories of marijuana as a miracle are hitting us. It is no longer right to remain in your shell. Come, join us! Let all turn a new of life and use medical marijuana to save and enhance more lives!