Pot and beer lovers, rejoice! Why? Because the pot infused beer is finally happening! Marijuana enthusiasts are looking for new and cool ways to make the pot experience even better and more enjoyable. This pot infused beer would give you the same high just like when you eat cannabis edibles and the effects lasts for as long as twelve hours!
What Type of Beer should be Used?
Weed would make any beer taste good so you can basically use any kind of beer that you want. Smoking pot has become outdated and this is one of the new ways to enjoy weed even more.

You are going to need 8.5 lbs. of light malt extract syrup, one ounce of Columbus pellet hops, one ounce Cascade pellet hops, one ounce Centennial pellet hops, two ounces Belma pellet hops, an ounce of leaf hops to complement the flavor of cannabis, ¾ ounces of marijuana, eight ounces of Carahell malt, six ounces Victory malt, six ounces Carapils malt and a slow fermenting yeast, you can use any type that you fancy.
- Put two gallons of water in a pot and bring it to boil in 160 degrees of heat.
- Crush the Carahell malt, Carapils malt and Victory malt and add them to a straining bag.
- Add the bag to the water. Stir it occasionally for about 30 minutes.
- Put the pot away from the heat source then add the 8.5 lbs. of the light malt extract syrup and stir until it is fully dissolved to the mixture.
- Remember to add enough water until the water level is no more than six gallons. Just make sure that there is still space in the pot for the rolling boil.
- Put the pot back to the heat source and adjust the heat to maintain the boil.
- Add the ounce of the Columbus pellet hops and leave it to boil for about an hour.
- Wait for another forty five minutes then add the Cascade pellet hops and Amarillo pellet hops and then let it boil for fifteen minutes.
- Wait for another fifteen minutes then remove the pot again from the heat source and then add the Centennial pellet hops, the Belma pellet hops and the marijuana.
- Stir the mixture for several minutes. Let it cool and then you can already chill the beer that you made.
- Add the yeast of your choice and then allow it to ferment at 65-75 degrees.
- After the top frothy layer of the yeast on beer has settled, prepare 3/8 ounces of ground cannabis into a mixing bowl and add a pinch of potassium bisulphite in it. Stir the mixture by adding water. Cover it and then leave for about an hour.
- Discard the green liquid on the beer you brewed by carefully pouring them out, try not to lose some buds while doing this. After that, add the remaining marijuana into the container of your beer.
- Add the whole leaf hops to complement the flavor of the cannabis in your brew.
- Allow to sit for about ten days but make sure to always rock the container for the hops and marijuana to re-suspend.

So there you go. After you’ve followed all steps, there’s nothing left to do but to enjoy your beer. Cheers!